For the past three months, we have been subjected to mostly negative news. It has clearly taken a toll on all of us in some way shape or form. In between the bad news, I think we have all gained some strength, clarity, and change. This is a positive outlook for our future, as individuals, communities, and as a nation at large. 
We began this “journey” at the end of winter and we are now beginning summer. The weather is warm and the sun is shining. Businesses are re-opening, restaurants are starting to serve, beauty establishments are taking appointments and real estate is really bustling! We have a new enlightened vision of what is meaningful and important. One thing is for certain, our homes remain our salvation.
If you’re like me, you are excited to get out of the kitchen and dine out! That being said, being at and cooking from home will continue to be part of the new normal. Thinking about what recipe would be appropriate for our mindset, apples came to mind. Because they’re so versatile, apples can be eaten as a meal, snack, or dessert.
There are plenty of common clichés that we use in our everyday conversations, but “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a lesson that has been passed down for generations. It’s a saying that seems to come with little to no explanation as to how eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away other than it just does. Apples are packed with nutrients perfect for maintaining a healthy diet and have a substantial amount of health benefits. They contain pectin, a prebiotic that feeds probiotics, the healthy bacteria in your stomach that breaks down food and kills threatening organisms. Apples also contain vitamin C which is an immune system booster.

An Apple a Day May Help Keep the Doctor Away

Cinnamon Oat Bran Date Sweeten Baked Apples

  • 6 Medium Honey Crisp Apples
  • 1.5 Cups of Old-fashioned Oats
  • 4.5 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
  • 3 Teaspoons Cinnamon
  • A generous squeeze of Date Syrup. 
  • 6 Cinnamon Sticks
  • ½ Cup of Water
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Combine oats, brown sugar, and cinnamon in a bowl.
  • Place mixture on a baking sheet layered with parchment paper and bake for 6 minutes until golden brown and toasted. Remove and set aside.
  • Reduce the Oven to 325 degrees.
  • Wash and core the apples (remove any seeds).
  • In a bowl combine the oat mixture with melted butter.
  • Place the cored apples in a Pyrex baking dish and spoon the mixture into the core of each apple. Squeeze the date syrup onto the top of each mixture so it sweeps into the core.
  • Pour the water into the bottom of the baking dish.
  • Place the cinnamon sticks in each core with the mixture.
  • Bake at 325 degrees for 40 minutes until tender (check after 30 minutes).
  • A creative addition is Greek yogurt for breakfast and whipped cream or ice cream for dessert.
Apples are a great snack for the entire family. These baked apples with crunchy oat bran are a delicious version of eating a simple apple. 
Let’s stay positive, eat healthily, and embrace summer!
With warmth and love,

Work With Nancy

Whether you are relocating or an LA native, Nancy's knowledge, expertise and relationships will help buy or sell your home in Beverly Hills or Bel Air. Her full service approach, hand holding every step of the process while maintaining the highest level of attention to detail.